Base Package Components

This section provides an overview of permedcoe package components and functionalities. Further to a Python API for Building Block development, the package provides a command line tool that eases the execution of building blocks or applications, and creating templates for them.

Python API

The permedcoe package provides a set of public decorators, parameter type definitions and functions to be used for Building Block implementation.

  • Public decorators:

    from permedcoe import container
    from permedcoe import constraint
    from permedcoe import binary
    from permedcoe import mpi
    from permedcoe import task
    from permedcoe import julia
  • Parameter type definitions:

    from permedcoe import FILE_IN
    from permedcoe import FILE_OUT
    from permedcoe import FILE_INOUT
    from permedcoe import DIRECTORY_IN
    from permedcoe import DIRECTORY_OUT
    from permedcoe import DIRECTORY_INOUT
    from permedcoe import Type
    from permedcoe import StdIOStream
    from permedcoe import STDIN
    from permedcoe import STDOUT
    from permedcoe import STDERR
  • Functions:

    from permedcoe import set_debug
    from permedcoe import get_environment
    from permedcoe import invoker
    from permedcoe.utils.user_arguments import Arguments
  • Globals:

    from permedcoe import TMPDIR

The usage of these decorators, type definitions and functions is described in Building Block structure.

Command line

The permedcoe command can be used to execute individual Building Blocks or applications. It can also be used to create empty building block or application templates.

$ permedcoe -h
usage: permedcoe [-h] [-d] [-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] {execute,x,template,t,deploy,d} ...

positional arguments:
    execute (x)         Execute a building block.
    template (t)        Shows an example of the requested template.
    deploy (d)          Download and deploy the requested workflow or building block.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode. Overrides log_level (default: False)
  -l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log_level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        Set logging level. (default: error)


The execution of building blocks or applications with the permedcoe command is performed by indicating execute (or x) after permedcoe. Adding the -h flag after permedcoe execute can be used to access help:

$ permedcoe execute -h
usage: permedcoe execute [-h] {building_block,bb,application,app} ...

positional arguments:
    building_block (bb)
                        Execute a building block.
    application (app)   Execute an application.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Building Block execution

To execute an available building block, follow permedcoe execute by building_block (or bb).


The building block to be executed must be installed, and its name (as imported in Python) has to be provided.

$ permedcoe execute building_block -h
usage: permedcoe execute building_block [-h] name ...

positional arguments:
  name        Building Block to execute
  parameters  Building Block parameters

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Specifying the name of the building block provides the parameters details. This example shows the parameters of the PhysiBoSS Building Block:

$ permedcoe execute building_block PhysiBoSS_BB -h
usage: permedcoe [-h] --sample SAMPLE --repetition REPETITION --prefix PREFIX --bnd_file BND_FILE
                 --cfg_file CFG_FILE --parallel PARALLEL --max_time MAX_TIME --out_file OUT_FILE
                 --err_file ERR_FILE --results_dir RESULTS_DIR [-c CONFIG] [-d]
                 [-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [--tmpdir TMPDIR] [--processes PROCESSES]
                 [--gpus GPUS] [--memory MEMORY] [--mount_points MOUNT_POINTS]

This building block is used to perform a multiscale simulation of a population of cells using
PhysiBoSS. The tool uses the different Boolean models personalised by the Personalise patient building
block and with the mutants selected by the High-throughput mutant analysis building block. More
information on this tool can be found in [Ponce-de-Leon et al.
(2022)]( and the [PhysiBoSS GitHub

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sample SAMPLE       (INPUT - str) Patient's identifier
  --repetition REPETITION
                        (INPUT - int) Number of repetition to be performed
  --prefix PREFIX       (INPUT - str) Name of the model
  --bnd_file BND_FILE   (INPUT - str (file)) Name of the model's BND file
  --cfg_file CFG_FILE   (INPUT - str (file)) Name of the model's CFG file
  --parallel PARALLEL   (INPUT - int) Internal parallelism
  --max_time MAX_TIME   (INPUT - int) PhysiBoSS simulation maximum time
  --out_file OUT_FILE   (OUTPUT - str) Main output of the PhysiBoSS run
  --err_file ERR_FILE   (OUTPUT - str) Error output of the PhysiBoSS run
  --results_dir RESULTS_DIR
                        (OUTPUT - str) Results directory
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        (CONFIG) Configuration file path
  -d, --debug           Enable Building Block debug mode. Overrides log_level
  -l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log_level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        Set logging level
  --tmpdir TMPDIR       Temp directory to be mounted in the container
  --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes for MPI executions
  --gpus GPUS           Requirements for GPU jobs
  --memory MEMORY       Memory requirement
  --mount_points MOUNT_POINTS
                        Comma separated alias:folder to be mounted in the container

Application execution

Alternatively, permedcoe execute can be followed by application (or app) to execute an application.


The workflow manager selected must be available in the system.

$ permedcoe execute application -h
usage: permedcoe execute application [-h] [-w {none,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}]
                                    [-f FLAGS [FLAGS ...]]
                                    name [parameters [parameters ...]]

positional arguments:
  name                  Application to execute
  parameters            Application parameters (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w {none,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}, --workflow_manager {none,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}
                        Workflow manager to use (default: none)
  -f FLAGS [FLAGS ...], --flags FLAGS [FLAGS ...]
                        Workflow manager flags (default: None)

Template creation

The permedcoe command can also be used to create an empty building block or application template:

$ permedcoe template -h
usage: permedcoe template [-h] [-t {all,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}]
                          {bb,building_block,app,application} name

positional arguments:
                        Creates a Building Block or Application template.
  name                  Building Block or Application name.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {all,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}, --type {all,pycompss,nextflow,snakemake}
                        Application type. (default: all)


Once the artifact is created, it describes the minimal expected implementation actions to be done in order to complete a Building Block or an application.

Automatic Deployment

The permedcoe command can also be used to deploy automatically an existing Building Block (from the PerMedCoE GitHub repository) or an existing Workflow (also from the PerMedCoE GitHub repository):

$ permedcoe deploy -h
usage: permedcoe deploy [-h] {building_block,bb,workflow,wf} ...

positional arguments:
    building_block (bb)
                        A specific building block.
    workflow (wf)       A specific workflow.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Building Block Deployment

The permedcoe deploy command can be specified with the building_block (or bb) in order to request the automatic deployment of an existing Building Block (from the PerMedCoE GitHub repository)

This feature will download automatically the requested Building Block (name), it will install in your machine, and download as well the required container image.

$ permedcoe deploy building_block -h
usage: permedcoe deploy building_block [-h] name

positional arguments:
  name        Building Block to deploy.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


The PERMEDCOE_IMAGES environment variable must be set in order to use this feature with the path where to store the container image.

After the Building Block deployment, the Building Block will be ready to be used from the command line or from a Python application.

Workflow Deployment

The permedcoe deploy command can be specified with the workflow (or wf) in order to request the automatic deployment of an existing Worfklow (from the PerMedCoE GitHub repository)

This feature will download automatically the requested workflow(name). Thus, it will also download all necessary Building Blocks, install them in your machine, and download all necessary container images.

$ permedcoe deploy workflow -h
usage: permedcoe deploy workflow [-h] name

positional arguments:
  name        Workflow to deploy.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


The PERMEDCOE_IMAGES environment variable must be set in order to use this feature with the path where to store the container images.

After the Workflow deployment, a folder containing the workflow source will appear in the current folder. It will contain the source code as well as some helper script to run the Workflow (even for different workflow managers).